Christina Kynigos, a well-known social media influencer, approached Meze in 2021 with an exciting proposal for a cookbook based on her online recipe content. The concept was indulgent food that cuts down the calories but not the flavour and we could see from Christina’s increasing following across both Instagram and Twitter, plus her brand collaboration with Food4Thought among others, that there was a highly engaged audience within this target market who were keen to see her in print. The production process was smooth and straightforward thanks to Christina’s clear vision for the book and our prompt turnaround, beginning with recipe editing in October and shooting in November to have the book designed, proofread and printed in early 2022.
Just three months after the book’s publication, we had sold over 3,000 copies and reprinted to keep up with demand. Very Hungry Greek was popular with both Amazon and Waterstones customers online, and was also stocked by a large garden centre chain. Christina was keen to engage with promotional opportunities both through social media and in face-to-face events; she was invited to The Cheltenham Food Festival in 2022 to give a cookery demonstration and sell her books directly to the audience. She also signed copies of the book for her fans in the Leamington Spa Waterstones, the nearest store to where she is based. Since the success of her first book, Christina is now working with an agent and has a second cookbook in the pipeline.
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